It doesn’t matter how good you are, it will be really hard to achieve success if you don’t have goals and systems. As a full-time musician after 8 years, this is a bit of what I’ve learned on what you need to achieve what you want.
1. Goals guide you to where you want to go. If you don’t have goals, you don’t have a direction, and a journey without a direction could take you somewhere, but not necessarily to exactly where you want to go. You can either ‘go where it takes you’ or ‘find your way to where you wanna go’, it’s up to you.
2. Your goals matter as much as the systems you have in place for them. Goals are your destination, but you need daily/weekly habits that guarantee that you’re on track to achieving those goals, i.e. systems. Examples: produce every day for 1h/2h, set minimum amount of hours per week, network at least 2-3h per week to strengthen relationships.
3. Goals can be daunting and the key to them is to break them down into smaller chunks. Don’t look at a ‘finish a track in one month’ as a goal, but as ‘create two drops this week’, ‘create one break the next week’, etc. Smaller goals not only intimidate less, but also they fit better in weekly habits and smaller chunks of time.
What can you do today to get you closer to your goal? Or within this week? Some ideas:
a. Want to develop your sound design? Plan weekly sessions of sound design;
b. Want to create an album? Break down a schedule that will get that album ready for your desired release date;
c. Want to get faster at finishing tracks? Think about how you can optimize your workflow (Repetition makes it faster, and better);
d. Want to finish more tracks? Understand why you don’t finish tracks (Lack of Organization / Losing interest after you develop / Stuck in a loop) and face the dragon;
e. Want to find a manager? Make your product more desirable and make managers try to find you!