If you’re hiding your tracks and avoiding feedback, I can guarantee you’re missing out on AWESOME stuff that would actually make your songs better…
1. Feedback is like your beta test. It’s the first experience of your art with the world and it can provide you with some insights and problems you might not be seeing. Sometimes, you don’t know what you don’t know and feedback will expose those gaps to you so you can get better and develop as a music producer!
2. Feedback can be damaging if you don’t choose the people you ask for it correctly. Avoid too many opinions and destructive people since it could lead you to paralysis and make you feel worse than without it. You need to find a person who is willing to tell you his/her honest opinion while providing constructive solutions for your problems. Even non-producers can help you by focusing on how the track makes them feel rather than technical matters.
3. Feedbacks are a two-way street. If you ask for it, be willing to give it back, and you honestly won’t regret it. It can be a source of inspiration, of Do’s and Don’ts, and sometimes lead to collaboration possibilities. In addition to being helpful to the community, it helps you out by giving ideas you wouldn’t have seen before.
4. Giving feedback helps you develop a critical ear, which can make your own listening skills improve, as well as develop the right ways to describe music. This way, you can not only better explain potential issues, but also identify potential issues in your own tracks.
When was your last time giving feedback to someone on their songs? If it’s been a while, try to test if it’s something you enjoy doing. If recently, how could you have made it more helpful to that artist?
Feel free to ask us for feedback if you need it using our feedback page. We listen to everything and answer them as soon as we can, and it’s FREE!